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Fenugreek (Methi) stimulates breast milk production & is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which helps in baby’s brain development

Fenugreek Seeds

Image: Stock

Brown rice contains hormone stimulants which boost the supply of breast milk in lactating women. 

Brown Rice

Image: Stock

Garlic is also helpful as it stimulates galactagogue, which helps a mother produce more breast milk. 


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Holy basil or tulsi has been used for generations by lactating mothers to boost milk production

Tulsi (Holy Basil)

Image: Stock

Nutritionists recommend adding oats to a lactating mother’s diet to increase breast milk production


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Dill seeds are rich in magnesium, iron, and calcium, making it an ideal addition to the diet of a breastfeeding mother

Dilli Seeds

Image: Stock

Drumsticks opens up the breast veins and stimulates the mammary glands, thus leading to increased milk supply
